The International Dual Career Project, the OCDC, Has Finished in Vilnius


V. Dranginio nuotr.

Representatives of five National Olympic Committees (NOCs) gathered in Vilnius, Lithuania to make the finishing touches to the International Dual Career Project Olympic Committees for Dual Career. The initiative has resulted in a free training platform that is already operational.

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“Athletes’ careers are short and often unpredictable, which is why as a National Olympic Committee we are working hard to encourage athletes to develop the skills that will help them be successful beyond their career in sport. We regularly invite them to training events and organise seminars.

The project has resulted in a free training channel for athletes just starting or already finishing their careers,” Agnė Vanagienė, Deputy Director for Olympic Sport at the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (LNOC), said.

A. Vanagienė (V. Dranginio nuotr.).

A. Vanagienė (V. Dranginio nuotr.).

The National Olympic Committees of Poland, Turkey, Slovenia, Greece and Lithuania were the participants of the project. The project was funded by the European Union (EU).

A survey among 500 athletes from all five countries was carried out to find out about athletes’ needs.

“This project was born because in recent years, while working for the Polish Ministry of Sport and Tourism and at the Olympic Committee, I have seen many athletes who cannot find their direction after finishing their career in sport. This is a problem in many countries: how do we help people to make the transition from a career of a sports professional to ordinary life?

I hope that this training will encourage and inspire people to improve their skills outside of sport as well,” Marcin Nowak, the initiator of the project and President of the 2023 European Games Organising Committee, said.

D. Gudzinevičiūtė ir M. Novakas (V. Dranginio nuotr.).

D. Gudzinevičiūtė ir M. Novakas (V. Dranginio nuotr.).

The platform will offer training for athletes on human resources, mental health, branding, communication and marketing.

The Polish Olympic Committee, which won EU funding for the project, has invited colleagues from Lithuania, Slovenia, Turkey and Greece to work together.


Europos Sąjungos (ES) finansavimą šiam projektui laimėjęs Lenkijos nacionalinis olimpinis komitetas kartu dirbti pakvietė kolegas iš Lietuvos, Slovėnijos, Turkijos ir Graikijos.

A number of well-known Olympians currently working for their national Olympic committees will also take part in the project. For example, one of the project coordinators, Luiza Zlotkowska, is a former short track speed skater and a two-time Olympic medallist.

Atsakomybės ribojimo pareiškimas:

Europos Komisijos parama šio leidinio rengimui nereiškia pritarimo jo turiniui, kuriame pateikiama autorių nuomonė, todėl Europos Komisija negali būti laikoma atsakinga už informaciją panaudotą šiame leidinyje.


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