Improvement of good governance methodologies SIGGS

The aim of the Erasmus+ project SIGGS (Support the Implementation of Good Governance in Sport) is to promote and support good governance practices in national Olympic committees and sports federations by providing these organizations with consultations and opportunities for improvement.

Organizations that have implemented good governance principles can attract funding from public and private donors more easily, work more efficiently, and achieve better performance. Good governance is a continuous, ongoing process of organizational improvement. Its key elements are integrity and ethical performance, well-defined activities and accountability, transparency and openness, democracy and stakeholder involvement.

The SIGGS project was initiated in January, 2015 and lasted until December, 2016. Strategic seminars were held in 7 countries, and the first of them was held in Lithuania.

The project, coordinated by the EOC EU Office, brought together 12 organizations. These were the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment, the Catholic University of Louvain, the Leadership Academy of the German Olympic Sports Confederation and 9 national Olympic committees, including the LNOC.

On the European Commission’s Erasmus+ project platform, the SIGGS project is marked as a “success story” and an “example of good practice”.

In the project Lithuania was represented by the Lithuanian Volleyball Federation, the Lithuanian Equestrian Federation, the Lithuanian Shooting Sport Union, the Lithuanian Rugby Federation, the Lithuanian Rowing Federation, the Lithuanian Rugby Federation, the National Skiing Association, and the Lithuanian Field Hockey Federation.

Results achieved:

  • Self-assessment tool for sports organizations and
  • practical recommendations (roadmaps)

For more information about the project and the tool developed, see:

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