Physical Education Teachers Honoured and Awarded at the President's Office


Kipras Štreimikis

On Wednesday, a traditional ceremony was held at the President’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania to honour and reward outstanding pre-school and general physical education teachers; apart from that, the teachers working with children with special needs were awarded for the first time.

The ceremony highlighted the significant contribution of these educators in promoting physical activity in Lithuania. They were recognised for their innovative methods, their active work with pupils, their cooperation with educational communities and their professional development.

The laureates were congratulated by First Lady Diana Nausėdienė, Advisor to the Minister of Education, Science and Sport Justinas Kinderis, Secretary General of the Lithuanian Paralympic Committee Asta Narmontė, President of the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania Daina Gudzinevičiūtė.

“I thank each and every one of you who work with children, combining their physical, creative and intellectual qualities into a coherent whole. I know that working with children with special needs, for whom your attention is extremely important, requires a lot of effort, sensitivity and attention,” said Diana Nausėdienė.

During the ceremony, awards were presented to 12 teachers from schools and pre-schools establishments. The laureates were selected by a jury of representatives from the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Paralympic Committee, the National Association of Preschool Physical Education Teachers, and the Lithuanian Physical Education Teachers Association. All this year’s laureates were awarded with a monetary prize and a unique statuette.

LNOC President Daina Gudzinevičiūtė said that the activity of these educators and their desire to continuously improve and develop a healthier and physically literate society is very important for Lithuania. She sincerely thanked all the laureats for their invaluable work and dedication to children and physical activity.

The main criteria for the competitions were: teachers’ practical activities and their contribution into the physical activity of children and young people, as well as into the development of physical education and sport in the academic years 2021 ‒ 2022 and 2022 ‒ 2023. The organisers emphasised that the evaluation of the educator’s contribution was not only based on their achievements in sport, but also on their activity in developing competences, organising events, applying innovative methods and cooperating with educational communities.

Justinas Kinderis, Adviser on Education, Science and Sport, congratulated the laureats and ephmasised that the work of physical education teachers is very important, because without quality physical activity and health promotion it is difficult to succeed in other areas of life. He expressed his gratitude for their efforts and creativity in encouraging contemporary children to be active.


The project has been initiated and organised by the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Paralympic Committee, the Lithuanian Association of Physical Education Teachers and the National Association of Preschool Physical Education Teachers.


  • Lina Kozienė (Mažeikiai Nursery School ‒ Kindergarten Žilvitis)
  • Lina Šlymienė (Klaipėda Nursery School ‒ Kindergarten Bangelė)
  • Ligita Kuzmenkovaitė ‒ Grigė (Kėdainiai Nursery School ‒ Kindergarten Vaikystė)
  • Jolita Šuliauskienė (Kaunas Nursery School ‒ Kindergarten Drevinukas)
  • Monika Ignatavičienė (Klaipėda Nursery School ‒ Kindergarten Klevelis)
  • Egidijus Jaunulaitis (Kaunas Juozas Naujalis Music Gymnasium)
  • Dovilė Narkunienė (Alytus Panemunė Progymnasium)
  • Ingrida Rauličkienė (Miroslavas’ Gymnasium, Alytus District)
  • Jolanta Žukauskienė (Gargždai Minija Progymnasium)
  • Lina Alekseriūnienė (Linkuva Gymnasium)
  • Olesia Matulevičienė (Klaipėda Medeinė School)
  • Renata Nekrasova (Vilnius Special Needs Nursery School ‒  Kindergarten Čiauškutis)


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