International New Miracle Training on Communication and Marketing


Agnė Vanagienė

More than 20 sports managers from four European countries took part in a two-day training session in Riga, Latvia, where they explored the subtleties of communication and developed a personal brand strategy. The sports managers participating in the New Miracle Women’s Leadership Project, which is half-way through, are delighted with the benefits they have reaped.

“The project is halfway through and we are delighted with the results we are already witnessing. The participants have gained not only knowledge, but also confidence, inspiration and motivation to take initiative, organise projects and achieve higher career goals. There is a shortage of women in leadership positions in sports organisations, therefore it is very important to help and inspire them,” said Agnė Vanagienė, the project initiator, Deputy Director of Olympic Sport of the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (LNOC).

Mokymų dalyvės.

The training in Riga was the second international session of the New Miracle project. This time, the participants learnt about communication aspects of sports administration and personal branding.

During the training, the participants explored how to create a personal brand through effective communication. They also learnt about best practices in human resources, financial management and business management. The representatives of the University of Rome Foro Italico led a focus group “The Relevance of Competences and Skills in Sports Management”.

Two practical sessions were held on the first day of the training, during which the participants developed personal branding strategies.

The European Union-funded project New Miracle is an initiative by the LNOC implemented together with the National Olympic Committees of Italy, Latvia, Estonia and Slovakia to promote women’s leadership. A total of 100 sports administrators from 5 countries are participating in the project.

The project includes national and international training sessions, where participants have already studied leadership, internal and external communication, marketing, as well as the best practices of international organisations. Experienced mentors are also helping them to improve their skills.

“After the training, the young women were given the task to prepare and present the knowledge gained during the training to the rest of the young women in Lithuania, to share good practices,” said Agnė Vanagienė.


The national New Miracle training will take place in May and September. The last international training session will take place in Vilnius in early October.



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