Address by EOC Vice-President Daina Gudzinevičiūtė  on the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace


Martynas Zaremba

On 6 April, the world celebrates the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. This date symbolises the power and potential of sport to create social change and promote peace.

On this day, Olympic champion and member of the International Olympic Committee Daina Gudzinevičiūtė invites us to look at sport in a different light and to express an even stronger support to the war-torn Ukraine.

“Sport is not just about competition and results. It is about respect, friendship, excellence and development. At the same time sport is a strong force for change and unity. This has become particularly important in recent weeks. Since the onset of war in Ukraine, we have been praying for peace every day. The international sports community is united in solidarity with Ukraine, each of us is trying to help as much as we can. Let us not stop and let us show at every opportunity that we stand firm and united with Ukraine.

Sport develops empathy, social responsibility, cooperation, teaches initiative, develops Olympic values. Therefore, today I invite you to look at sport from a wider perspective and use this powerful tool to create a better and healthier society,“ said Vice-President of the European Olympic Committees and President of the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (LNOC) Daina Gudzinevičiūtė.



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