18 experts completed sport administration course


The sport administration course organized by the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee started on March 5-6, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in April it was completed remotely.

18 sports managers honed their time and activity planning skills together with Lauras Balaiša.

On April 27 and 30, the communication training took place in the ZOOM platform and was conducted by lecturer Nadežda Doronina Koltan.

The project is funded by Olympic Solidarity and the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee.

After the completion of the course, the participants will be issued course certificates.

The Sports administration course was completed by:

Viktorija Kotaitė – specialist at the Sports and Public Health Department of the Vilnius Municipality

Vaidotas Monkevičius – director of Kelmė Sports Center

Saulius Limontas – deputy director for economic affairs of Rokiškis district physical education and sports center

Rima Danylienė – deputy director for sport and events of Jonava physical education and sports center

Monika Zdanavičiūtė – senior specialist at Šiauliai city municipality administration

Mantas Klimantavičius – President of the association “Gero vėjo klubas”

Akvilė Jovaišienė – specialist at the Sports and Public Health Department of the Vilnius Municipality

Valerija Sungailienė – head of education at Telšiai sports and recreation center

Martynas Žala – methodologist at Molėtai district physical education and sports center

Laura Petrenko – deputy director for education at Kaunas sports school “Startas”

Justina Pocevičiūtė – deputy director for education at Šiauliai sports center “Atžalynas”

Jovita Matulaitienė – activity coordinator at basketball academy “Snaiperis”

Vytautas Kirka – manager at Utena multifunctional sports center

Giedrius Šlekys – senior specialist at Marijampolė municipality administration

Artūras Samusevas – public advisor at football school “Ateitis”

Alė Pikturnienė – head of department at Kaunas swimming school

Laura Malkevičiūtė – administrator at sports club “People Fitness”

Agnė Užkuraitytė – senior specialist at sports department  of Panevėžys municipality administration

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